Couple Childand Family Psychotherapy Association of Australasia


1. Introduction

Thename of the association is ”The ChildCouple and Family Psychotherapy Association of Australasia”.

2. Income and Property

a) Non Profit The assets and income of theAssociation shall be applied solely for the furtherance of the objects of theAssociation as defined in clause 3 below. No portion shall be distributeddirectly or indirectly to the members of the Association except as a bona fidecompensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of theAssociation.

b) Dissolution In the event of the Association being dissolved, the amount that remainsafter such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shallbe transferred to another organization with similar purposes which is notcarried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.

3. Objectives of the Association

Topromote and advance the clinical practice of Couple Child and Family Therapythrough:

(a) Professional Practice standards

(b) Ethical guidelines for clinical practice

(c) Professional education and training

(d) Public education

(e) Communication with public and private bodies onmatters of concern to Couple, Child and Family Psychotherapists.

4. Membership

Allmembers of the Association shall be bound by this Constitution. Membership categories are as follows.

(a) Member

(b) Associate Member

(c) Affiliate Member

(d) Life Member

Thequalifications and terms of admission to the grades of membership are in theBye Laws of the Association.

TheExecutive of the Association alone shall have the power to decide conclusivelywhether any person proposed for admission to any grade of membership of theAssociation has fulfilled such conditions as are applicable to the case.

5. Application for Membership

Individualswishing to join the Association shall apply for membership in writing on theprescribed form, and shall supply such supporting documentation as theAssociation may request and shall pay the prescribed application fee to theAssociation.

6. Powers of the Association

TheAssociation shall have the following powers:

(a) To carry out the objectives of the Associationand give effect to the Constitution

(b) To encourage the study of workingpsychodynamically with Couples Children and Families and to improve and elevatethe general professional and technical knowledge of persons engaged orintending to engage in the profession of Couple Child and Family Psychotherapy

(c) To provide for the delivery and holding oflectures, exhibitions, public meetings, classes and conferences calculated toadvance education in psychotherapy whether general, professional or technical.

(d) To prescribe ethical standards for the practiceof the profession of Couple Child and Family Psychotherapy.

(e) To collect and circulate statistics and otherinformation related to Couple Child and Family Psychotherapy.

(f) To establish and maintain libraries, museums anddatabases.

(g) To communicate, print, publish to membersinformation on all matters affecting the profession of Couple, Child and FamilyPsychotherapy as may seem conducive to any of the objects of the Association.

(h) To ensure that assets and income of theAssociation are applied only to further the objectives.

7. The Executive

Theaffairs of the Association shall be managed by a body to be called the “Executive”which shall be the governing body of the Association and which may, subject tothe constitution and bye laws, exercise all the powers of the Association. TheExecutive shall consist of the following office bearers, elected at the AGM fora period of twelve months. The Executive shall have a minimum of 50% fullmembers.





Chairmanof Training Committee - Rendered dormant

Chairmanof Professional Development

Chairmanof Ethics Committee

Chairmanof Promotions Committee

Chairmanof Membership Committee

TheExecutive shall meet regularly throughout the year and shall have the power toaccept or reject recommendations made by the Committees.

8. Annual General Meeting

TheAssociation will hold a General Meeting at least once a year.

8.1 The ordinary business of the Annual Generalmeeting shall be:

(a)to confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any SpecialGeneral Meeting held since the AGM;

(b)to receive the report from the Chairperson detailing the affairs of theAssociation since the previous AGM;

(c)to consider any resolution of which at least 21 days written notice has beengiven by a Member to the Secretary;

(d) At each AGM the Treasurer willsubmit a statement of the Association’s accounts for that year

(e) “Proxy voting by financially current associate and fullmembers, including electronically signed and scanned emails is permitted atthese meetings”.

8.2 Election of Office Bearers for the Executivewill be held at the AGM by secret ballot.

8.3 A notice of a General Meeting must:

(a) be circulated to all members at least one monthprior to the date of the meeting;

(b) include a draft agenda;

(c) if a special resolution is to be proposed at themeeting, set out

(i) an intention to propose a resolution;

(ii) the resolution;

(d)include nomination forms to the Executive positions. Nomination forms must bereceived by the Executive prior to the AGM.

Theproceedings from a meeting are not invalid if accidentally a person entitled toreceive a notice of a meeting does not receive one.

9. Special General Meetings

9.1 The Executive may, whenever it thinks fit,convene a Special General meeting of the Association.

9.2The requisition for a Special General meeting shall state the objects of themeeting and shall be signed by the persons making the requisition. The requisition must be sent to the Secretaryof the Association.

9.3The Secretary must, at least 28 days before the date fixed for the GeneralMeeting, cause to be sent to each member at his or her address a notice statingthe place, date and time of meeting and the nature of the business to betransacted.

9.4“Proxy voting by financially currentassociate and full members, including electronically signed and scanned emailsis permitted at these meetings”.

10. Quorum for General Meetings

Noitem of business shall be transacted at any General meeting unless a quorum ofmembers entitled under the Constitution to vote is present. A quorum is defined as [one third of existing membership]. Voting on items of general business shall bedetermined by a show of hands.

11. Rights of Members

Membersof the Association are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting

12. Payment of fees

Eachmember of the Association is required to pay an annual fee as set by the Executive,whether Senior, Associate or Affiliate. Fees shall be payable in each yearwithin two months after the AGM.

13. Cessation of Membership

Amember may resign from the Association at any time by posting to the Presidenta written notice of resignation. If anymember after receiving notice from the Executive requiring that member to payany overdue membership fee within a certain time fails to pay, that member willcease to be a member.

14. Expulsion of Members

Amember may be expelled if the Executive has reasonable grounds to believe thata member has:

(a) engaged in conduct prejudicial to theAssociation’s code of ethics;

(b) refused or neglected to comply with thisConstitution;

(c) engaged in conduct which goes against theobjectives of the Association.

15. Code of Ethics

TheAssociation must maintain a written Code of Ethics and all members are requiredto abide by that code.


24 July 2019

Acceptance of Bye Laws

All members of the Association willbe bound by and subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the Bye Laws

Eligibility for Membership andRights of Members

Full Members

(a) Professional qualifications and/or professionalregistration enabling practice as a Social Worker, Psychologist, Psychiatristor equivalent qualifications and/or registration as approved by the Executive.

(b) Minimum of three years clinical experience as apsychodynamically informed child, couple and/or family therapist, as endorsedby the Executive.

(c) Minimum of 75 hours within a minimum of threeyears of supervised psychodynamically informed child, family and/or coupletherapy.

(d) Minimumof three years of personal psychoanalytic psychotherapy (minimum twice weekly)or psychoanalysis.

(e) Extensive general clinical experience, over aminimum period of five years, working psychodynamically with children, familiesand couples.

(f) Satisfactorycompletion of a psychoanalytically based training programme or equivalent asapproved by the Association’s Executive.

(g) Ongoingindividual or group peer review, as approved by the Executive, of clinicalwork.

(h) Deemed tomeet appropriate professional and ethical practice standards as defined by theAssociations Code of Ethics.

(i) Nominationfor membership by two members following case presentation to the Executive, successfulinterview, and satisfactory reports from referees.

(j) Demonstration of professional indemnityinsurance cover on request.

(k) Payment of annual fees.

Associate Members

(a) Professional qualifications as for member.

(b) Minimum of three years full-time clinicalexperience, or its equivalent.

(c) Currentlyengaged in supervised clinical practice involving child, couple and/or familytherapy with a supervisor endorsed by the Executive.

(d) Workingtowards achieving full membership criteria as endorsed by the Executive, suchas undertaking a psychoanalyticallybased training programme or equivalent.

(c) Deemed to meet appropriate professional andethical practice standards as defined by the Association’s written Code of Ethics.

(d) Nomination by two members following successfulinterview and satisfactory reports from referees.

(e) Demonstration of professional indemnityinsurance cover.

(f) Payment of annual fees.

(g) Associate members have voting rights at allmeetings.

(h) Associate members may join the ExecutiveCommittee or Sub-Committees, but may not accept the position of President.


Affiliate Members

(a) Professional qualifications as for member.

(b) An interest in psychodynamically-informed child,couple and/or family therapy.

(c) Deemed to meet appropriate professional andethical practice standards as defined by the Association’s written Code ofEthics.

(d) Demonstration of professional indemnityinsurance cover if requested.

(e) Payment of annual fees.

(f) Affiliate members do not have voting rights atmeetings.

(g) Affiliate members may not join committees.

Life Member

Persons ofdistinction or special attainment or who have rendered outstanding services tothe Association Institute may be entitled to life membership.

Life Members arenot expected to pay membership fees, are not permitted to vote in ballots, andare entitled to membership rates for attendance at conferences andworkshops,

Transference from one grade of membership toanother

Transfer from onegrade of membership to another should be made by written application to theExecutive and should be supported by two full members of the Association Institute.

Maintenance of appropriate professional andethical practice standards

All levels ofmembership are subject to being deemed to maintain appropriate professional andethical practice standards as defined by the Association’s Institute’swritten Code of Ethics. Hence, membership of any category can be revoked by theExecutive at any time.

Maintenance of professional indemnityinsurance

Individualmembers are required to have their own professional indemnity insurance as the AssociationInstitute does not provide cover.


(a) The Executive shall cause accounts to be openedin the name of the Association Institute.

(b) All cheques drawn upon such accounts shall besigned either by the Treasurer or any two members who are authorizedsignatories as approved by the Executive.

(c) At each AGM the Treasurer will submit astatement of the Association’s Institute’s accounts for that year whichwill then be approved by the membership.